Leader of the Opposition in Sweden visits the Novatron Fusion Lab
Earlier this month Novatron Fusion Group CEO Peter Roos, and CTO and co-founder Jan Jäderberg, with colleagues, had the pleasure of welcoming Magdalena Andersson - leader of the Swedish Social Democratic Party, former Swedish Prime Minister, and leader of the Opposition in Sweden together with political advisers Klas-Herman Lundgren and Maria Bergendal Gerholm, to visit the Novatron Fusion Lab and the assembly site of the world unique N1 plasma experimental facility at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
During the visit, Fusion energy’s credibility as a game-changer, forceful enough to replace fossil energy in our times, was discussed, as well as the place for Fusion energy in Sweden’s energy and nuclear policies, and the need to drastically increase the access to clean and affordable base-power. Sweden can be a global pioneer within commercial Fusion energy and for that all stake holders need to join forces.
Magdalena Andersson (S) together with Chief Technology Officer and co-founder Jan Jäderberg and co-founder Erik Odén.
“I want Sweden to do what we always did when the world is changing, using Sweden’s power of innovation and our proud industrial tradition”, said Ms. Andersson, concluding that “[the Novatron company] has come far in international comparison in developing Fusion energy. Sweden needs to adopt a strategy so that we are ready to take the lead should clean and affordable Fusion energy become a reality”
Together with a number of other political parties from government and opposition, the social democrats have recently placed increased focus on enabling Fusion energy in Sweden and the Nordics, and the opportunities it brings for Sweden’s policies within energy and climate adaptation, industry and job creation, as well as geopolitically.
This includes a first ever parliamentary debate of Fusion energy and co-sponsorship of a parliamentary motion proposing a national fusion strategy as well as swift adaptation of fusion related regulations.
“The visit of the leader of Sweden’s biggest political party encourages us in our work to make fusion energy happen, a clean and reliable source of energy for eternity”, said Novatron Fusion Group CEO Peter Roos.
Magdalena Andersson (S) together with Novatron Fusion Group CEO Peter Roos, Jan Jäderberg and Erik Odén.
Sweden is one of a handful nations hosting projects on the way to commercialization of Fusion power. While the Novatron fusion project is currently the first one to put in place a comprehensive plasma confinement experimental facility, Sweden is still lagging behind big fusion nations such as the UK, USA and Germany in terms of finance and regulations.
“Fusion power to the grid within the next decade is clearly possible from a scientific and technical point of view, but that is only half of the challenge”, noted Mr. Peter Roos. Our success also requires our societies to deliver on the other half, paving the way for the Fusion breakthrough with political will and determination, investments, and regulatory adaptations”, he concluded.
Magdalena Andersson with some of the team from Novatron Fusion Group at the N1 plasma experimental facility at KTH Royal Institute of Technology